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Department Of Higher Education

07272-228211 heggcdewmp@mp.gov.in

Janbhhagidhari Samiti

Govt. of M.P. designed the format of a committee where the local bodies and responsible persons among the society are involved for the physical and literary development of the colleges. They raise funds for buildings, library, sports and also implement new job oriented courses which help to students to earn and stand on their own feet. They introduce various courses under Self-finance scheme.
As per the govt. norms, like all other Govt. colleges of the state we also have a Janbhagidari Samiti This is a registered society with the Registrar of firms and societies registered in 1997, with Smt. Jaikumari Chawda as its first chair person and till date it is involved in the various developmental projects of the institution. These days Shrimant Gayatri Raje Puar,MLA Dewas is the chair person of this Samiti with members of various categories in it. The committee has vast powers. It has a general body and management committee.
There are many responsibilities of the Samiti as;

  • Developing the infra-structure.
  • Running self finance courses.
  • Appointing teachers to SFC courses.
  • Purchase of required furniture, equipments and teaching-learning gadgets.
  • Construction of various needs as classrooms, seminar hall, etc.

Construction of new lecture rooms, computer lab and enriching the library are the major achievements of the samiti.







